
We have 14 Larson Cable Trailers

The first 2 were bought in 2004. I took the first one to Marshal C.  who is still with us with 35 years of service. After the first day, he called Rick and thanked him for making his job easier. We've continued buying them. The last 2 were purchased in 2020. Many of our subcontractors and friends in the fiber business have purchased Larson Cable Trailers. The amazing thing is....the 2004 models that came from the factory with yellow paint instead of white or galvanized are still performing after 18 years of service, just like new. We do 100% of our repair work and the Larson Trailers are very rarely in the shop and when they are it is for service or minor repairs. I can safely say that the Larson Trailer is almost essential for fiber cable placement and i have been placing cable since 1969 and our first fiber project in 1981. These are well built machines that are easy to teach new employees to use.
- Bob Sellenriek, Sellenriek Construction, Jonesburg, MO


CommScope Chooses Larson LCT7500 Cable Trailer for Product testing.

Catawba, North Carolina- CommScope is a respected leader and innovator in the communication/fiber optic cable industry. When they wanted to test a new process of ink jet printing vs. their current impact printing on their fiber optic cable, they chose a Larson LCT 7500 cable trailer to figure 8 the cable and simulate a real world installation test for wear and tear at their headquarters in Catawba, North Carolina, with their executives and engineers in attendance.

To test the durability of the new ink jet process, one side of the cable was printed with their old impact method, the other side the new ink jet. The simulation required the cable to be blown through what would amount to be over two miles of duct. Rick Larson, President of Larson Cable Trailers, was on hand for the test to figure 8 the cable and set up the trailer to blow the cable through ducting equal to normal field conditions.

“This was a great way to simulate field conditions right here at our facility, and to have our engineers and staff on sight to see the results” said Chris Gemme, Director, Field Application Engineering at Comscope. “The Larson 7500 is versatile and impressive, and provided us with exactly the field simulation we needed”.

"...9800 Feet In 36 Minutes..."

“We hit 9800 feet in 36 minutes with your fantastic trailer. Thanks again for the help. Safe Travels. ”
-Jeff Croll, in Beautiful Delta junction Alaska.

"...It just makes sense..."

"I've been in the cable business most of my life. Our company is located in Linton, North Dakota. We bury fiber and power cable for most of North Dakota and northern South Dakota. I shopped around a long time for a cable trailer that was multi-functional and easy to operate. Sure, I could have bought a cheaper frame mounted cable cart but that wasn't what suited my needs. I needed a trailer that we could use day in and day out and stand up to the punishment of being used by many different crewmen. Since I have purchased a Larson Cable Trailer, I have increased my productivity enormously. You can use the LCT for so many tasks. It's so versatile and there's no trailer on the market like it. Sure, you can buy a traditional cable trailer along with a dump truck, flat bed trailer, figure 8 eliminator and add hydraulics to your equipment but that's a lot of money invested when the Larson Cable Trailer can do it all! It just makes sense."

- Mylo Kramer, Owner K&H Electric Inc. - Linton, ND 58552

"...The Larson Cable Trailer does it all."

Elliot Construction is an underground utility installation and maintenance company based in Sioux Falls, SD. Much of our work is performed within the city, causing us to need a wide variety of equipment. One of the most versatile, durable and just plain handy machines we have is the Larson Cable Trailer. We transport, wind and unwind and pull fiber almost daily with our units. We use the trailer daily for loading and transporting innerduct reels, as well as co-ax and the heaviest fiber reels. From a safety standpoint, the Larson trailer is the only way to handle some of these products. For our rural work and figure 8'ing needs, the Larson Trailer is an essential part of our equipment lineup. The speed and ease of operation make it superior to any other method we've used. From transporting product to unwinding and level rewinding, from hauling and dumping materials with the gravel box to hauling the four wheeler, the Larson Cable Trailer does it all!

- Keith Toczek, Elliot Construction. - Yankton, SD 57078
Why a Larson Cable Trailer?

Fiber & Micro Fiber

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Three-phase Power

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Aerial/Overhead Construction & Demo

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Rural Electric Co-Ops

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